What is Bifrost
Bifrost is a multichain middleware platform that enables developers to use multiple blockchain protocols simultaneously and seamlessly. With Bifrost, developers cans select and combine the best suited blockchains to develop a substantially more scalable and flexible DApps on a whole new blockchain ecosystem.
BNC Staking Rewards
Collator & Delegator
1. Operation Cycle
The Collator system has its own running cycle, 600 blocks in a round, each round takes about 2 hours, and the cycle is related to the operations of reward settlement, addition, and unbonding.
Leave Candidate Pool — 84 rounds (168 hours)
Remove Nominations — 84 rounds (168 hours)
Reward distribution (after the current round) — 2 rounds (4 hour)
2. Collator
2.1 Maximum number of active Collators and candidates
Collator Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2
Candidate unlimited unlimited unlimited
Active Collator 16 32 64
2.2 Bonding parameters (Collator)
Candidate minimum bond (self bond) — 5,000 BNC
Collator maximum bond (self bond) — Unlimited
Minimum Total Delegating Amount for Active Collator (Delegating) — 5,000 BNC
2.3 Others
Collator exit — 84 rounds
Maximum Number of Delegators — Unlimited
Add Self-bond — Effective immediately
Reduce Self-bond — 84 rounds
Reward Distribution — Collectors receive rewards for the first 2 rounds at the end of each round (600 blocks)
Punishment — No Penalty, reward deduction if there is missing for effective block producing.
3. Delegator
3.1 Bonding parameters (Delegator)
Minimum Delegating Amount— 50 BNC
Maximum Delegating Quantity — Unlimited
3.2 Others
Minimum delegating value that can be rewarded — The top 300 Delegators of each Collator can get the reward, more than 300 Delegators do not count the reward.
Maximum number to delegate Collators — 350
Add Delegating — Effective immediately
Reduce Delegating — 84 rounds
Revoke Delegating — 84 rounds, no minimum revoke limit ((staking rewards continue to be received during unbonding period)
Reward automatic re-delegating — Not available yet
Not available yet
4. Collator incentive ratio
Total 800,000 BNC/Year Proportion
Collator Commission 10%
Delegator 90%
5. Reward Calculation
Bifrost network reserved 5% (4,000,000 BNC) of total issurance to incentivize Collator mechanism for 5 years (800,000 BNC/year), with no inflation. The reward for each Round is a fixed 180 BNC. The reward calculation method is as follows.
According to the incentive ratio, the reward for each block is:
Collator: 180/600*10% = 0.03 BNC
Delegator: 180/600*90% = 0.27 BNC
If a collector's total delegating amount is 100,000 BNC and it is in the 64 Active Collator set for the whole year, the average revenue of the Collator is:
Collating Reward: 800,000 x 10% / 64 = 1,250 BNC
Self-bond delegating Reward: 800,000 x 90% / 64 x 5,000/100,000 = 562.5 BNC
Total Revenue: 1,250 + 562.5 = 1,812.5 BNC
APR: 1,812.5/5,000 = 36.25%